Friday, January 21, 2011

todays better

"At the time, my life just seemed too complete, and maybe we have to break everything to make something better out of ourselves."
fight club quote. i've been reading the book. and its rad as fuck. just saying.

so i was 122 pounds today. this is good.
had a mccdonalds salad. 240 calories. fuck me.
i also had two cups of hot cocoa when i visited my mom in prison today. it was the first time i've seen her, in four months.
so not counting the cocoa, im at like 800. so with the cocoa like 1,000. fuck fuck fuck.

it was so goddamn cold today. like crazy cold. im so glad to be home now. its been like -10 all day.
once we had off school for like three days because it was literally too cold to go to school. with wind chill it was like -50. so we couldnt go to school. how weird.

mandagin keeps me inspired everyday. thanks girly. :)

i gotta take a shower. my hair is icky. blahh.
also, i have a cavity. i gotta go get it filled soon. it hurts.

i can be thin. i've got this new inspiration. it makes me sad. but it really helps me want to be thin. Gerard Way was like, drunk or high or something, and he was on stage talking about how he loves skinny people. because skinny is beautiful. a sign i need to be thin. i've never ever heard him talk like that. so he must mean i need to be thin (or so i make myself believe). its kinda sad i think. since i look up to him. i bet he'd be ashamed to know he fuels my ed.

whatever i guess.

love you girls. thanks for caring about my last post bree and sofia. :)


  1. i got cavities all the time when i was a kid. &if i wasn't so obsessed with hot showers i'd only wash my hair when it got icky, too. i have longish curly hair&i hate washing it. i'm sorry your inspiration has to be your friend but at least you're motivated. cheers for 122. stay strong, darling.

  2. Yay for 122! Also dude, tomorrow will be better. You'll probably feel a bit stronger and motivated, so more able to withstand foods. Cavities suck, I've got some serious dentist trauma. I find that music does wonders, especially when it covers up the *shiver* drilling. Good luck!

  3. nice blog! (i love MCR...i've noticed gerard has lost a lot of weight too since they've gotten more popular) keep it up girl. let those cals motivate you to work 'em off at the gym!!!

  4. I fucking love Gerard Way.<3 Congrats on 122. P.S. We have like the same exact stats. :] Good luck, lovely.
