Monday, January 10, 2011


thanks for the comments ladies. you are all wonderful. :)

so i think im getting a cavity. i bit my tongue ring really hard today, i think i chipped my tooth, and i think its starting a cavity, or something. it hurts.

i spent the day with my boyfriend. and i ate so fucking much. uggghhh.
i can feel myself slipping. when im with him i love food. it makes me happy. and we eat a lot when were together. lunch, dinner, popcorn with a movie. how is he so goddamn skinny!

school as been sooooo busy. so i havent got much exercise in. about 6-15 minutes a day for the past like, two days. so not that bad. but usually i do half an hour. it will get better. dont worry. i'll do it. but school work is really important.

todays post isnt long. i've got a ton of shit to do.

what are you guys doing, eating wise?
fasting? fruit/veggie fasting? whats your limit?

i need to create a plan. im not gonna make 119 by feb 1st. i dont have the self discipline, and my body wont budgggee.
what should i do?


  1. you can make 119! just add more exercise and really stick to your daily calorie goals.

    i've been trying to stay under 400 as a general goal so far. i've been improvising since school is out for the week. i kinda looks forwards to going back just so i have a schedule.

    the fruit/veggie fast isn't going well. i've eaten so many salads with light balsamic vinaigrette i'm gonna puke if i see another one.

    3 pounds in 3 weeks?! girl, you can do it!!! i promise! i'll do ABC with you if you want(:

  2. Ugh. I know what you mean! My guy friends eat everything in sight, don't exercise, and still appear to be in great shape!!! It's gross... haha

    I'm content these days if my net is 1000 (*embarassed*) so I'm sure that whatever you're doing works much better!

  3. Oh my gosh. I chipped my tooth a few days ago, too, because I grind them so badly in my sleep. You probably just knocked off some of the enamel. The pain will go away in a few days. I doubt it's forming a cavity, because I chip mine all the time and go to the dentist regularly and never have cavities.

    Wait a few days and see if the pain goes away. In the meantime, use Sensodyne toothapaste or Colgate for Sensitive Teeth. It helps. And try not to eat candy or anything super sugary that could get down into the crevice, in order to make sure it DOESN"T form a cavity.

    I hope you feel better!

    Oh, and my boyfriend is the same way. He is TINY, but he eats all the time. He's the person that even got me to LIKE popcorn. UGH! But just tell him you're trying to be healthier. That's what I told mine, and he knows I'm trying to lose some weight, but I play it off so well that he doesn't realize I'm doing it unhealthily.

    What I'm doing eating-wise:
    Right now, I'm just staying away from all of my "bad" foods and trying to keep my intake as low as possible. It's awesome because I am seeing the pounds come off really fast.

    YOU DO have the self-discipline to get to 119! That's a number I'm aiming for soon, too. Just find out what works for you. Maybe it's not a veggie fast. Maybe it's not working out 2 hours every day (you obviously don't have the time), But maybe eating just a tiny bit of your favorite food 3 times a day, with exercise whenever you can squeeze it in, would help. Like, I do butt exercises while I'm brushing my teeth. LOL!

    Good luck.
