Sunday, August 8, 2010

im very sorry

i've been gone for a while. i've been super super sick. and i've done nothing. like, nothing. so im very sorry!! i noticed i had 25 followers, but today i have 24! D:
im sorry to who ever decided not to follow me anymore.

im 125 pounds as of this morning. which is awesome considered how much ice cream i've eaten lately.

i went to the therapist the other day, for the first time. and i guess i have depression, and ADHD. :O
sooo, im probably going to get medication. i was on anti depressants once but i gained four pounds and quit that shit. so if it happens this time im not sure.
maybe it'll even out, like ADHD shit sometimes makes you not hungrryyy.

i dont even know. i guess we will see what happens.

im sorry i was gone for a while, im glad you guys still stuck with me. :)

ohhh, and i got my boyfriend sick too! he came over to be niceeee and he even gave me kisses. now hes sick. :( poor boy, that was really nice of him though.

i guess thats all really. :)
have a nice day.


  1. Well I'm glad you're feeling better, and awesome that you kept your weight down even with ice cream! Hah, lucky you! :]

  2. thats fantastic, that youre still 125 and ate icecream. i wish i could :/
    i have ADHD too, and the pills they give you supress all your hunger. but when you dont take it you get really hungry so be careful <3
