Wednesday, November 3, 2010


wow. sorry. i've been gone a while.
some new stuff,

i hung out with my ex boyfriend, we got drunk, it was a fun reunion.
i saw my mom in jail, and talked to her through a phone, and plexi-glass.
i came home to kittens. my cat Alona finally had her babies. five of them.
i havent been exercising, or eating "right". im around 125 pounds.
i dont think i'll ever be thin.
im so tired lately.
i've been taking these super important tests, WKCE tests. its three days long, four hours each test.
i went grocery shopping. didnt buy many bad things.
i had some carrots and potatos a bit ago.
i also had some halloween candy from trick or treating.
i went to a halloween party. it was fun. i've never had friends, so i've never been to a party.
i was rainbow brite for halloween.
im pretty happy.
i've been gone for a while.
i've been busy, and lazy.

im sorry.
i love you guys though.

my cat.
the kitten im keeping.
one black, two white, one hairless, and one sandy colored one (the one im keeping).

my costume.


  1. cute costume..ooh kitties, i would keep them all!

  2. aw the kittens are so cute! you have to post more photos as they get bigger :)
    awesome costume! pretty colours :P x

  3. omgosh, you look so skinny and awesome! You are not what I pictured an 'Annie' to look like. You know how some names just seem like they belong to a particular type of person?

    Those kitties are tiny!! Very adorable.

    And you will be thin, because you are pretty much already thin, so don't be down on yourself =)

  4. Your costume is AWESOME.

    Cute kitties!! How'd you end up with a hairless one? Was their daddy bald?

