Sunday, October 24, 2010

tomorrow is a new week

im gonna start 246, or what ever. i hope at least. i always end up binging. gah.
i dont really have much to say. 126.5 pounds this morning.
i've been happy. :)
i got some gum today. Extra came out with a new line of gum. "dessert delights". how cool! lol. they taste like desserts. :P
if they make like a chocolate flavored one, it'll be the best day ever.
its nearly 10. im going to bed very soon.
night ladies.
hope your doing well.


  1. Good luck on 246
    That's awesome what desserts do they taste like?

  2. i'm happy you're happy. i got a mint chocolate chip flavored gum last week! <3 good luck dear, i'll be trying this week too :)

  3. I finally found that dessert gum in 7-Eleven. They're so good!!! But they should have more than just those 3 flavours I think...

    Hope you have an awesome week, pretty lady!
