Wednesday, October 20, 2010


i messed up once, and my brain said "dont worry about it annie. just go ahead and eat all you want today"
i dont even have anything to say. and i spent so much time binging that i barley had time to do my home work, let alone get in a decent exercise. i did exercise, but not for more than 10 minutes. if that.

i dunno.

be mean to me. tell me im a failure. cause i know i am. so just remind me.



  1. it happens to everyone. i still love you dear! <3

  2. you are not a failure! i could never be mean to you because you don't deserve it. it happens to even the most committed girls. chin up hun and stay strong x

  3. That's just today, everyday is a fresh start to keep reaching the goal. Good luck hun, you'll get there.

  4. Same! I did the exact same tonight! I wasn't even hungry. I feel like such a failure. But you know what, tomorrow is a new day! Let's do this together :) We can be better tomorrow.

  5. Ugh I did it too. I just use it as motivation for tomorrow. We can only go up from here.

  6. You're not a failure. Never a failure! It happens to us all. There's always the chance for a better tomorrow. :D

  7. Tomorrow is a new day. You are not a failure. A failure doesn't even try.
