Thursday, September 23, 2010


so this morning i was 127. :)
so stuffs doing good even though i havent had time to exercise. so once i dont have a fuck ton of homework just think how much weight i can lose. :) im excited.
although my goal for this week was 125 by friday, which is tomorrow. so i dont think that happened cause i had about 1,000 calories today, but i did purge. so idk.

anywho i havent seen my boy in quite a few days and saturday hes sleeping over! it'll be fun. :)

i cleaned today. it was nice actually. i feel clean now that the stuff around me is clean.


  1. I love that 'clean' feeling too- it can make such a difference to how you feel about yourself and food choices too.
    Good luck with fridays weigh-in!

  2. I love cleaning! (OCD). It makes me feel so accomplished afterwards, and then I just like to sit and look at the rooms I just cleaned...
