Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday Evening

lo sieto my loves. its been a while, again. i get lazy. hahha.

so i started fasting. the last time i ate was sometime sunday evening. i know its only tuesday, so not like a huge deal. but i still havent eaten. i suppose i have been "cheating" though. i had a bowl of broth yesterday and two candy canes today. other wise, im doing great. been drinking a lot of juice, and diet coke. i was 131 yesterday, and today im 129.5, so seeing some progress. i took a picture for you guys, myself really, after my shower today.

also, i have sort of a problem. i self harm, you know that, whatever. thats not the problem. i burned myself the other day... and its crazy infected. least i think so, imma show you, and im sorry that you have to see my scars and such, i just need to know what i should do. what do you think i should do? is it really infected?

im gonna start working out again. i gave up on that for a while. and i convinced my self i shouldnt feel bad about not exercising since i was maintaining 131. but my tummy is pudgy. so its time to tone it up. what should i do do you think? what are your favorite ways to tone up a tummy?

also, my birthday is on thursdayyyy. :D


  1. Well done fasting :) and I'm not sure about your burn, maybe try it with some antiseptic to see if that helps? I don't really know much about infections though. And how come everyone's scars are white, but the fe I have are red/purple? :S
    My fav tummy exercises are the plank and leg lifts :)
    Lottie x

  2. I don't know if it's infected or not, since a picture really doesn't show much, but to me, it doesn't really look infected. Usualyl when somethin is infected, it's all yellow around the edges, and this thick yellow-ish liquid keeps comming out. It could be your burn is like that and I just can't see it, though :/

    Well, keep it up love! You're doing good. From Sunday to Tuesday is very well done! And congratulations on the loss :)

    Stay strong girl! <3

  3. From what's in the picture- no it's not infected. Just keep it clean and it will be fine in a few days. If it starts to puff up or go red then go to docs.
    Congrats on your weight loss! What your doing seems to be working so don't feel too bad about your snacks.

  4. It just looks sore. Keep it clean and see how it goes. If it's not better soon the maybe go to the docs.
    Pilates and yoga are my faves for tummy toning.
    You look tiny to me! well done xxx
