Friday, November 11, 2011

paniccc! :D

meeting panic! was the best experience of my life. :D
i posted an ass load of pictures on facebook, and on my tumblr.
they were so wonderful, and nice, and handsome! :D
i geeked so hard.
i was front row dead center, on the barricade. it was awesome. could not have been closer. the first picture is of how many people were there. my ribs and sternum got bruised from being pushed so hard against the barricade.
i took an assload of videos. i uploaded them to youtube. so i'll link them here. it was great! :DD

so i've been away for a few days. im lazy. haha.
i havent eaten very well the past two days. but i havent really gained that i've noticed. i'll get back on track no worries.

well this is just a quick update, since i wanna lay down and watch spongebob. lol.

just took a shower and shaved my legs. i feel great haha.

havin' a "party" tomorrow after work. i hope tyler will come. doubt it though. regardless, i'll probably drunk text him. haha.

by the way i dunno if i have mentioned recently but theres this boy who i like. his name is Greg. and he is just the cutest thing ever. and he always smells sooo goddamn good. and he has this habit of biting his lip while hes talking to me, and it just makes me meltttt. and he has blue eyes. and a super deep voice, but in a sexy way. its fantastic. hes fantastic. one catch, he has a girl friend. and we were talking one day about how "im a home wrecker" and he told me, his exact words, "dont wreck my home" dammmnnn!! hahaha. i was like "woah dude. rejected? hahah" i was just surprised he said that, and put it that way.

thats about it i suppose. i'll up date soon again. :)

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